Thursday, 8 August 2013

The Crinan Canal

Dodgy departure from Tarbert because a strong wind was blowing us onto the same pontoon that we needed to leave. Always tricky but got there in the end and enjoyed a fine, downwind sail to the start of the Crinan.Canal, often described as Scotland's prettiest shortcut. Downwind' sailing, if interested, is good because you go with the waves and, because you also travel with the wind this has the effect of reducing its speed. This usually means it seems a lot warmer and, almost, windless. 
Today's blue dot is actually 5 miles inland and 200 ft above sea level. Seems strange to be travelling past roads and through towns ( sorry, toons). 

Negotiating the many locks has been interesting. Young Sam didn't know which rope to pull next, as water poured in and we held on, under the amused eyes of the loch keeper. After the 1st loch we were on our own and Sam was in charge of opening a thing called 'sluice gate.' To cut a long story short  I ended up screaming at him to shut it as a tsunami approached. 


We moored up by a Hotel, and will tackle 8 locks 'in a row' in the morning. 

Just been visited by a chap who sailed on Alexandra Louise with other past owners in 1992 ! He knew all about her and remembers her sailing the Atlantic. Really lovely to have a vessel with such a history. We asked this chap where he was heading (eg Troon) and he said......Brazil. Another 40 ft yacht, moored on the canal bank, with a young family of 4, has just returned from Patagonia. Don't care. I'm still worried about the North Sea. Will push on push on to Crinan first thing tomorrow. 

Early night as all knackered. X h


Naviguesser said...

Good to meet you yesterday and nice to see the boat again. Fair winds for your trip.

Kevin & Susie
Temptress Of Down

Anonymous said...

Hi there been following your trip having been told all about it from (my brother Gus). Let me know if you are stopping of in Oban or Dunstaffnage I'll give you a lift to the supermarket if you need supplies etc. My mobile number is 07786538680. Landline is 01631 569779. Anne.

Anonymous said...

Hi Alan
Following with great admiration from sunny Soller
The Stevens