Wednesday, 28 August 2013

St Cuthbert (Google if interested but, discounting the Freudian angle, it's limited in 'wow' stuff)

St Cuthbert seems like he was a really nice bloke and appears to be the driving force behind the Holy Island economy.  Anyway, to continue with last nights arrival on Holy Island,

As Ive said, already, a great day. Also, I had great sleep. Woken at 7am by a Danish chap calling me to say goodbye until 'we meet again', maybe, at the next port. I'd moored next to him at Eyemouth.  He was setting off for Blythe, a day earlier than me. May catch up later. 

Another leisurely cooked breakfast on deck then rowed ashore, at lunchtime. Rowed really fast, as  air was poring  out of my botched puncture repair.  A walk around the Island started with the famous castle. So lovely.  

Walked around the Island and, despite the lure of the pub, we opted for a cream tea. Then, buckled, big time. Visited all 3 pubs, and, totally bolloxed by 7pm. Lots of 'mystical vibes' on this island, have, mysteriously removed much of my comment. Words are not enough. 

Correction, 9pm. Now need to find dinghy and get back. It's dark and the eerie noises are back ...oh, and the dinghy is going down. 

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