Thursday, 1 August 2013

Force 7 to Troon

Got to Troon.
The most 'exciting' sailing I have ever had on Alexandra Louise. Big waves and lots of wind but, as both were going in the same direction as me, the sail was fast and furious.  Had a few little sailing dramas along the way but coped. I guess the dramatic departure from Portpatrick, this morning, set the scene. When I awoke the wind was howling and, more to the point, large waves were being funnelled into the small entrance. I wandered around the the breakwater for a closer look. No way was I going to risk trying to blast through the entrance to then be greeted but dreadful visibility and a rough looking sea. I then discussed the matter with Rich, a chap who'd turned up with his mate ( to get another mention) last night. Rich was slightly more up for giving it a go but I was not quite there. And then, it happened. The expert arrived. The ex Harbourmaster of 30 yrs just happened to be sitting in his car, avoiding wind and rain. He stuck his head out and gave the following advise. He said.........when you round the nasty looking is comes......... he said........."give it full throttle and hold tight".  Amazing. Like the Dali Lama. Because I trusted him ( and his credentials) I also went. Rich, if you read this, well done for going  first ! I watched and your mast looked almost horizontal when you hit the waves. I was gonna bottle it but the ex Harbourmaster had already slipped my lines and was waving with a massive grin. I followed you but remember looking back and seeing him doing a 'throttle wide open' gesture with his hand. As it was like the twist-grip on a motorbike I wonder whether he ever sailed ? Hope you made it somewhere lovely and that your crewman is not as knackered as he was yesterday - I've never, in my life, seen anybody actually manage to 'look' that wet and totally 'destroyed'. Here's a short clip of today's sail. 

A quick mention of last nights 'bagpipes extravaganza' Fabulous time. Great musicians and friendly pub. A big thanks to Dave, Dawn and co for sharing your company. Laughed so much. Hope to meet up in Newcastle. 

My lads rocking up tomorrow so just had a major tidy up to accommodate his golf clubs. Really looking forward to seeing him, despite the fact that I have not, for a millisecond, felt either lonely or isolated on this trip. In fact, I love wondering who Im gonna bump in to next. Great fun and, after a day at sea, I do rabbit a bit ! Knackered. Night. 

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