Sunday, 14 July 2013

Getting started !

               July 14th - A gentle start : Portsmouth to Studland Bay, in Dorset

Gone and done it now. Left work on Friday. Had the leaving drinks at local pub and enjoyed this occasion far more than I had expected Already I'm smiling as I remember the many work chums with whom I've shared both banter and professional practice.Thanks guys and girls (assuming anyone from my ex job is reading this)
At this moment I'm anchored, in the truly picturesque Studland Bay, having decided not to leave Portsmouth until the noon tide. Having spent the past few weeks trying to make Alexandra Louise seaworthy I have been unable to test everything. It was all a bit of a rush today but, 'go now' has been advice followed by many intrepid sailors and ill try and sort the mess out as I go. At least I've started. Sitting at a pretty pub with a sensational view, eating what can only be described as a can of dog food. Blackboard said 'hand made chilli' and a snip at£12,95. Early night. Just gotta find the boat now before it gets dark. Knackered. 

1 comment:

Queen said...

Every journey begins with the first step, or shove off, or whatever the boating term is. You are finally off the starting blocks. Am I to assume you are the blue blob on the map ? I would imagine its a far cry from air con wars ? My office is starting to feel a like brick oven, no nice view that's for sure. Keep posting and enjoy,