Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Definitely leaving tomorrow

                                                  Should have left but didn't. That's the trouble with stopping. Dunno whether its just me but thinking about shooting out to sea on your own is, usually (cough, Bristol Channel, cough), worse that doing it. I, therefore, trust that I'll be fine once I get going.......tomorrow at 6am. There, I've said it. I'm going to sail to bonny Scotland. I'm aiming for a place called Portpatrick, at the start of the, grand sounding, Firth of Clyde. Wow. This should also be my last open water trip until 'the other side' (North Sea). From Portpatrick I should be sailing really close to some amazing scenery.

Got a bit more organised today and, after fixing more things, managed lunch at 2. Nap at 3 then off to cashpoint to top up ships safe.
What a muppet - got back to boat before I realised tat the Isle of Man has its own, special money. Spent the next couple of hours 'money laundering'

Oh, and now I've discovered that the Pub has Internet he's my mini clip of nighttime Peel 

Whilst in pub got talking to an old chap and his wife. A few pints after, and we are talking motorbikes and turns out he runs one of the Isle of Man TT teams.  He's also a mate of  Mike Grant, who will mean absolutely nothing to anyone reading this but, to me,, he was a hero as he used to do battle with the late, great, Barry Sheen, a motor racing legend from the seventies. And I was there etc.....

Well 'oiled ' and back to back to boat for meticulous preparations for 5 Am departure (assuming bloke 20 miles away answers phone and his remote switches work). Scotland, here we come. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your Court Team colleagues send their regards-we are arranging to send Allison up with a food parcel!! Enjoy Scotland!
