Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Reach for the Sky

Another day of strong winds and here's the evidence in case I get accused of slowing down to avoid coming home to financial ruin and calls to sell the boat. 

On a related note .... There's a famous  nautical saying, 'Men and Ships Rot in Port'.  The ship bit is obvious : use it or lose it. The 'men' bit (apart from being open to accusations of being 'sexist') is far more complex. In 'the olden days' the sailors used to hit the booze and become troublesome. Heaven forbid. But there's a more, deeply psychological phenomenon amongst single handed, intrepid explorers. I've alluded to this in earlier reports and today, yet again, another solo sailor confirmed my view that, if you stay in port too long, it's possible to lose your bottle. Despite making it this far, I am suffering this particular malaise, as I write. Ridiculous to get 'stage fright' after 9 weeks, but true and just one of the many things that have made this trip unforgettable. (Good to meet you, Sam - in the Round Britain gang - thanks for your humour and honesty)

Anyway, today I bought another load of diesel with the dregs of my redundancy loot and made a rough plan to leave at 6am in the morning. I then had a leisurely breakfast, ' Viking 'style (an interesting combination - to be honest it was not brilliant) then decided to visit the aircraft museums at RAF Manston. Started with the Spitfire exhibition, which was free.  

The adjacent aircraft museum was £1.50  Great fun if you like planes. 
Spent a couple of hours walking back to Ramsgate because the Purple Bus (no 38) only runs every 2 hrs. Got cut to shreds taking a 'short cut' as per iPhone walking app. Then ended up on motorway hard shoulder then on muddy bank then back through some more bushes then back to a main rd, 2 mins from Harbour and, then, the Purple 'flip in ' bus came  past. Would have cost 80p. 

Ended day with lovely chat and beer with John (chap who fixed my generator who I thought was Steve) and final ( I hope) visit to Yacht Club. 
Apologies for the planes and museums but Im just trying to take my mind off not making a pigs ear of the last 130 miles !  Night 


Anonymous said...

You know what, Alan, one of the things I have found most moving/inspiring/whatever in your blog is your honesty about uncomfortable feelings - particularly being scared. Most of us are very dishonest about admitting to being afraid, but you've had the courage to tell the world about your fear. You set yourself this challenge because you wanted to feel scared but fight to overcome it just one more time before you got too old. You're doing brilliantly - there are a lot of people willing you to push through this and I think we all have huge respect for what you have done so far. You can do it - really. Heather

Anonymous said...

I believe the previous comment is from HS - totally agree H I am immensely proud to know you and have followed your blog with admiration and huge enjoyment. Bonne voyage on your last legs. (Journey not alcohol related!!) GA