Monday, 9 September 2013

Back in The English Channel !

Yep. Landed at rainy Ramsgate, by the skin of my teeth. I arrived at 1pm and, by 2pm it was blowing 34knts and pouring down. I'd made the decision to leave Harwich at 6am on the basis that the forecast of force 8, issued at 5am, said the word 'later'. Now 'later' in nautical speak means 'over12hrs' from the forecast time. With more bad weather forecast I wanted to get to The Engish Channel before, possibly, sitting sight. Them bods at the Met Office could have killed me. 

'Interesting' ( Sir Robin speak) through the complex waters of the Thames Estuary. Hundreds of massive wind farms, huge sandbanks and monster cargo ships.....and me. 
A busy morning. If interested, the grey circles and line are (roughly) my route. A lot of places to run aground in the Thames approaches. 

As I reached land, Margate (I think) then rounded the corner to Ramsgate, I immediately realised that I was back in The English Channel and would be heading West for the remainder of this trip. I have to say that I was a 'bit emotional' and, feelings like that have, I hope, made this trip worthwhile ( eg ' 'signing on', next week, might not feel so bad )  To keep this simple I felt really proud of myself. I must be careful because I am not back yet and have a few tough days ahead. 
After a desperate bit of parking, due to problems with the rising wind, I had a shower, popped the heater and radio on, then got cooking. Absolutely pouring down outside but cosy in here. Alan's 'Dish of the day' is perfect for tired people who couldn't be bothered to get wet ( going to chippy) and are happy using up the rubbish left in the cupboards. 
Ingredients - 1  x freshly baked baguette ( part cooked - I finished it - from Happy Shopper)
                     2 fried eggs
                     1 fried tomato ( found rolling around under the sink)
                      2 x tablespoon jalapeƱo peppers
                      Chilli pesto sauce
                      Stuffed pasta
                      Lashings of Lurpac butter
                      1 x can of Fosters ( optional)
Lets call this 'The Viking Lunch', to continue an earlier theme. 

Ramsgate looks quite pretty. 
Lots of old buildings and 'boaty' pubs. I popped in one called The Artillery. Apparently it dates from the days of Nelson. This window must be worth a few bob. 

Today's proceedings have ended in the Royal Temple Yacht Club, another classic old building, overlooking the marina. I was, of course, asked to fill in the Visitors book and have, with great pride, written my yachts name, Alexandra Louise.

If I stay tomorrow Ill check out the bus tours. Night all. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done mate on getting close to your home waters but I dont know what all your readers of your blog are gonna do when you get back in a few days as catching up on your adventures has become part of our daily routine, take care mate on your final leg. Regards keith